

The JRL Talk solution is a multilingual mobile application that lets the company’s representative leap over language barriers in a matter of seconds, ensuring clear and productive conversations.
Jaguar Land Rover is the #1 car manufacturer in the UK, having produced 490,000 cars in 2015. From 2010 to 2015, the company doubled its sales, tripled turnover, and now employs over 36,000 people. Renowned for “precision engineering,” JRL body shops are referred to as “aircraft technology for cars.”
Executive Vice President at Intellectsoft
Fluid communication is essential to effective business operations, especially for world class brands that offer high end products. On the JRL Talk project, we relied on simplicity and the skills of our software engineers. The result was an intuitive and trouble proof software tool, which proved to be a solid bridge over the barrier of 16 languages for hundreds of JRL employees.
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