July 30, 2012

How to choose mobile app developer

Since application markets became a source of a good income for savvy app owners, many developers came to this market. Former software devs and sites makers now appeared in a new trendy role of apps developers. So, if you’re sure you need a mobile application, it’s time to choose developer to perform it. How should you orientate in this sea of proposals?

Here are some points which are worth to pay attention while choosing a developer for your mobile app.

1. Narrow the range of possible developers

Let’s assume you are new to this sphere and you got any person to ask advice.  What should you do?

Rely on references

Ask those from your friends or business partners who already did an app. It’s simple, and it gives you a lot of information. But if you got only one person in your environment who is more experienced in developing, this is not enough.

Take expert’s advice

Ask expert in mobile area about reliable developers. You can reach experts in this field on conferences, workshops, reading their articles etc. The only thing you should do is contacting them.

Use specialized catalogues

Searching through Google or Yahoo won’t give you the exact result quickly: first positions are usually taken by companies which pay more attention at SEO rather than development. It’s better to search through specialized catalogues like Themakeapps.com, Mobiledevelopersdirectory.com, Studiolist.org etc.

2. Draw the short-list of developers

Select the right price

Of course your company ain’t got $1M to spent on mobile apps developing.

But even if your company is young and rather small, don’t be tempted with the lowest rates on market.

It could lead not only to non-qualitative performance but to the situation with the project underestimation. Thus you can find yourself with a poor application and twice exceeded budget.
So, remember, do not  choose the cheapest rates/ price on market. It’s always better to choose among the companies you trust, even if their rates or preliminary estimation will be higher than you’ve expected.

Pay attention at developer’s location

Most of our clients and partners advice to be careful when dealing with unknowing companies from India or Middle East. Their prices could be attractive, also maybe you’ve heard the successful stories about developing there. But in majority of cases finally you got not that product you’ve expected for.

Choose experienced companies

It passed a little time since Android and iPhone smartphones appeared, so your contractor cannot have 10-years’ experience in mobile apps development. But it would be better if company was experienced in developing other software before they started mobile apps. The best level of experience starts from 3-4 years and about 30 projects performed.
Look through the portfolio

Quick look through the company’s portfolio will give you an understanding of their qualification and experience. It could not contain apps which you know, but overall impression is extremely important.

Ask them to quote the price

It’s simple – choose those companies which are ready to name approx. price project of the project (and specify what it is consists of).
Even if a company works on a hourly based billing, they should be able to specify the cost.

3. Choose the only one

See how quickly company gave the response

Сompanies should appreciate their clients: communicate only with those who gave the answer within 2-3 days. Estimation also should not take more than 2-3 days.

Ask about their organization structure

Ask how many employees company got in-house and how many freelancers, if they got specialized testing department etc. The best team work and quick results come out from synergy of in-house specialists

Estimate their business approach

Watch how the development company investigated your business situation.
Did they ask any questions before they give you the price? Did they try to deepen in solving your business problem/try to validate your mobile solution?
If the answer is no, and if they are not really trying to understand client’s needs, it means they cannot suggest really valuable solutions for you.

Evaluate their development process

Ask them about development process in company. You may not understand all the details, but the way how developer describes it is already important to understand if they got passion for work.
Testing is also an important question – how the company handles testing, how many devices they have etc. The more devices they’ve got, the less bugs your users find; it is especially important for developing on Android with its devices variety.

After launch support

What happens after your app is ready? Does developer offer some kind of support or test period for fixing all the bugs for free? It is also important to assure you won’t pay any licence payments and all material rights for the app will go to you.


Choosing mobile developer is not one-day business and you should not approach to it as a simple task.
It’s more like choosing a spouse for a long-term relations.

Do not send hundreds of quotes for all developers those contacts you could find.
Just select several of them through validation scheme. All the propositions received for your quote you should evaluate with attention. Pay attention at company’s passion to their business and willing to help you.

The most important thing, despite of developer’s experience and good prices, is that you should trust the company.